Become certified as an RTBP Athletic Patterns Coach.
This 2-day seminar will focus on the motor patterns of Locomotion, Triple Extension, Change of Direction, and Throwing. These motor patterns are the keystone patterns of athletic expression. When athletes have the ability to express these patterns at the appropriate forces and velocities, their talents are able to reach new levels of potential.
The primary areas focused on in this seminar are running mechanics associated with sprinting, Olympic style lifts, plyometrics, drills involved with deceleration-stopping-and accelerating, and medicine ball throws.
The Athletic Patterns are dominated by the ability to achieve optimal joint positions, elastic capabilities of the soft tissues, coordination, and rate of force development. Coaches will learn the mechanical factors associated with being able to help athletes position themselves to maximize the output of running, jumping, cutting, and throwing by attending this seminar.
NSCA - 1.5 CEUs
Seminar Learning Objectives:
Understand the proper mechanics associated with sprinting
Learn proper evaluation for running, along with coaching cues to improve running form and speed
Identify appropriate exercises to help with starts, acceleration, and top speed running
Understand the proper mechanics for Olympic style lifts
Know the appropriate coaching approach for the different phases of Olympic lifts
Understand the proper mechanics for jumping and landing drills in the sagittal, frontal, and transverse planes
Know the proper coaching cues for improving performance in jumping and landing technique
Understand the proper mechanics for deceleration, stopping, and accelerating with change of direction drills in the sagittal, frontal, and transverse planes
Know the proper coaching cues for improving technique in change of direction drills
Understand the proper mechanics for medicine ball throws in the sagittal, frontal, and transverse planes
Know the proper coaching cues for improving technique in medicine ball throws
After Attending Participants Will be Able to:
Evaluate and coach sprinting starts, accelerations, and top speed mechanics
Evaluate and coach Olympic style lifts
Evaluate and coach plyometric drills
Evaluate and coach change of direction drills
Evaluate and coach medicine ball throw drills
Attendance | Module |