Control Patterns


Get certified as an RTBP Control Patterns Coach.

This two-day seminar focuses on the mechanics associated with the breathing and core exercise execution. The breathing pattern is an integrated process associated with stereotypical movement of the abdomen, thorax, and pelvis.

Breathing is fundamental for survival, but also a component of every motor pattern that we perform as a species. When there are limitations in the full excursion of inhalations or exhalations, there are limitations in the movement expressions of the body. The way that we breathe is the way that we move.

Core exercises are those that demonstrate control over achieving certain positions of the body, and holding those positions against external forces. Core exercises should promote improvements in bony alignment and motion capabilities of the body when executed properly. 

Learn the blueprint for optimal breathing practices and core exercise set up and execution through the information provided in the Control Patterns seminar.

NSCA - 1.5 CEUs


Monarch Athletic Club
8730 W Sunset Blvd Los Angeles, CA
2022-09-24 16:00:00 UTC - 2022-09-25 01:00:00 UTC
2022-09-25 16:00:00 UTC - 2022-09-26 01:00:00 UTC

Learning Objectives

Seminar Learning Objectives:

  • Understand the mechanics of the breathing pattern

  • Perform table tests to evaluate motion capabilities of the body and the underlying breathing strategies that support the body

  • Learn to evaluate breathing strategies and common compensatory patterns

  • Differentiate between major differences in skeleton types

  • Learn the optimal set ups and breathing exercises for the different skeleton classifications

  • Learn the key anatomical structures and muscles of the pelvis and thorax

  • Breakdown the optimal set ups and execution of core pelvis exercises for different skeleton classifications

  • Breakdown the optimal set ups and execution of core thorax exercises for different skeleton classifications

  • Understand the key points that constitute the fundamentals of sagittal plane, frontal plane, and transverse plane exercises

  • Evaluate the degree of competency of exercises in the sagittal plane, frontal plane, and transverse plane

  • Know the appropriate ways to correct errors seen in sagittal plane, frontal plane, and transverse plane exercises

After Attending Participants Will be able to:

  • Measure and evaluate people based on limitations in the breathing pattern and range of motion testing on a table

  • Coach people in how to set up and execute breathing exercises

  • Coach people in how to set up and execute core exercises for the pelvis and thorax

  • Recognize whether core exercises are performed optimally in the sagittal, frontal, and transverse planes

  • Know the optimal way to coach people to fix errors in sagittal plane, frontal, plane, and transverse plane exercise execution

Course Content


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