Become certified as an RTBP Resistance Patterns Coach.
This 2-day seminar will guide participants through the proper ways to execute and coach major resistance training exercises. The Big Patterns of resistance training are hip dominant, knee dominant, horizontal pushing, horizontal pulling, vertical pushing, and vertical pulling patterns. These patterns represent the large compound lifts the body is capable of performing. Resistance exercise is capable of targeting and training the specific muscles of the musculoskeletal system, and providing a stimulus that can cause the muscles to grow, become stronger, and function better for life.
This seminar will teach attendees the best ways to control their center of mass so that they can express optimal force production while lifting weights. In addition to this, attendees will understand the mechanical considerations that will maximize the stimulus sent to the muscle tissue while minimizing unwanted stimulus going to joints and other soft tissues of the body.
Participants will learn rules for targeting sagittal, frontal, and transverse plane muscles of the body, and how to build perfect exercises for training these tissues. In addition to this, attendees will learn the blueprint for identifying whether resistance training exercises were performed with competency, and if they were not, then the attendee will also learn a trouble shooting guide for exactly how to fix the drill. Attendees will leave this seminar with a newfound lens into evaluating and coaching major resistance training exercises in the three primary planes of motion.
NSCA - 1.5 CEUs
Seminar Learning Objectives:
Know the rules for how to evaluate and coach body alignment in the sagittal, frontal, and transverse plane
Understand the algorithm for how to correct errors that people are displaying for body positioning and technique in the sagittal, frontal, and transverse planes
Understand how to evaluate and coach major hinging and squatting exercises performed in the sagittal, frontal, and transverse planes
Understand how to evaluate and coach major pushing and pulling upper body exercises in the sagittal, frontal, and transverse planes
Understand the quantitative guidelines for what constitutes exercises of different loading zones
Understand the quantitative guidelines for what constitutes exercises of different velocity zones
Understand the mechanisms for what prevents people from achieving full range of motion in resistance training exercises
Understand why some people have an easier time moving their pelvis for hinging movements and others to have an easier time with squatting motions
Learn the blueprint for how to choose exercises that are regressions or progressions within the resistance training patterns
After Attending Participants Will be Able to:
Make optimal exercise choices for the people that they work with
Evaluate and coach exercise execution for the major upper and lower body resistance exercises in the sagittal, frontal, and transverse planes
Help people who struggle with hinging be able to optimize technique in that pattern
Help people who struggle with squatting be able to optimize technique in that pattern
Understand how to progress exercises through a variety of methods outside of just making the exercise heavier
Target and train exactly the right muscles in exactly the right plane
Attendance | Module |